Leftist regime evangelicals “preaching” the emasculation of the man.
Sissy spined, soft peddling, milk toasted Big Eva compromisers, heretics, or both.
Big Eva
6 steps Big Eva uses to claim they are not ashamed of The Gospel. -Right Response
- What war? (Beth Moore)
- The War hasn’t started (David French)
- Ok, the war started but it’s too early to fight (Kevin DeYoung)
- It’s too late to fight (Russell Moore)
- We win by losing (Andy Stanley)
- We fight back once we are in the gulag, hoping for a cell with a window. (Ligon Duncan)

Christianity Yesterday cannot handle the truth and are compromised cowards.
Big Eva Leftists
Big Eva
- Fast to comment on crime by white people
- Believes all white people have a racist sub-conscience.
- Soft on sin.
- Harsh on those calling out sin, to the point of calling the person holding to sin as defined in the Bible as sinful.
- Does not call out LGBTQ+
- Revoice supporter
- Sees Christians that point to God’s righteousness as harsh
- Paints themselves as the nice guy
- Soft on abortion
- Look down on abortion protests
- Talking points align to the left
- Critique Conservatives harshly
- Wildly Accuse Christian Nationalists wanting a return to Christian values as wanting a Protestant pope.
- Support any government mandates
- Against death penalty
= Does not believe Genesis is History.
= Hyper-Ecumenicalism, many paths to God, universalism
= Charismatic, Word of Faith, Prosperity Gospel or supports people in these circles.
= LGBTQ, Democrat social justice and or CRT/DEI, soft on sin, “speak softly of” a group that is ultimately militant.
= Globalist, Supports Francis Collins
= Soft on sin of abortion or odd reaction to Roe v Wade overturn, spreading leftist propaganda.
= For gun control over law enforcement
* = Wokes that appear to be doing an about face.