Christian News & Research


News that includes stories Legacy media silences (Including Fox)

Why do you have to pay for conservative content?  Because woke corporations will not advertise on these channels. Levis, State Farm, All State, The NFL, MLB, pick your corporation, it’s woke and is against conservative anything.  Stop being brainwashed by the dead secular legacy media, including many on Fox.  Even Fox suppresses major news stories and content to keep advertisers.  Neutrality in culture is a myth.

*These sites are not necessarily operated by othodox Christians. However, they have a conservative worldview, a belief in God, and share many Christian values.  In many cases they are at war with human secularists burning our culture to the ground. So, be discerning when it comes to these folks commenting on Christianity.   

Roku Channel = Yes


Roku Channel = Yes


Roku Channel = Yes

Roku Channel = Yes



Roku Channel = Yes

See how the military industrial complex, state department, homeland security, and social media collude to suppress Trump.


Unorthodox, just better than the satanic left.  The difference is, this political group claims to be Christian vs other news sources that just claim to be conservative.