Progressive useful tools of the Marxist movement in America

While these groups are certainly LGBTQ affirming, in addition you find under the covers CRT, climate ideology, socialism, marxism, reparations, and all manner of leftist propaganda.

You cannot be in love with God and so directly in opposition to His Word.




Matthew Vines

Melissa M. Gagnon

Katherine Johnson

Monica Everett

Justin Lee



Andy Stanley

Poster child for the unorthodox.






Michelle Sanchez, Th.M.:

Nate Collins, Ph.D.:  Founder

Art Pereira:  Director of Events

Janelle Look:  Care Minister

Janelle is a “late bloomer bisexual”.  This is an abomination.


It’s all about sex for these people













The Gay “Bible” Manifesto

The groups on this page are useful tools to these groups.

Tools List

David Gushee, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA.  Day 1 interview.