How is it possible such a small population segment affords such a large movement.?

Because Christians bought the myth there is neutrality in culture and went to sleep, meanwhile the devil was hard at work

Matthew 7:21

21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 

Get off the wide road.

How were people brainwashed

Absent the absolute truth of scripture, here is how you are brainwashed.  

The Soul of satan – AHA

Does a secular humanist have faith that God does not exist?  Well, of course they do.  They evangelize their faith, they have killed millions for their faith by un-aliving babies in the womb, yet still try to claim moral high ground on any topic.


The Financial Arm of Satan – HRC

Every woke corporation in America gives to the HRC.  In return, satanic ideology is infected around the world.  The HRC is huge, well financed, and on an evangelical mission to erase Christian values.

Please review this heretical article on the HRC’s interpretation of the Bible.  100% satanic.  Only Andy Stanley could approve of this drivel.  This was written by a Columbia University false idol worshipper.

Watch the report from Fox News on the Todd Starnes page. Scroll down to the bottom of the article and watch this report where Fox embraces satan.

You are fighting satan Christian, get ready.



CEO Action for diversity and inclusion

Almost every major corporation in the USA has signed on the this group.  At first glance it seems ok.  However, under the covers it is sinister and a racist grab for power. In the market place it is play or get locked out.  For example, one of the wokest companies on the planet is State Farm.  Let’s say you are Dunder Mifflin selling paper and want their contract, you better be on this list or wash the feet of all the minorities in the company to show you bow to Baal.


The The Financial Arm of Satan – HRC

The heretical Reformation Project.  Humanism meets religion.

A movement on the wide road.